尼日利亚计划到2027年改用计算机考试,以遏制欺骗和提高质量。 Nigeria plans to switch to computer-based exams by 2027 to curb cheating and boost quality.
尼日利亚政府计划到2027年全面转为计算机考试,以减少作弊和改进质量。 The Nigerian government plans to fully switch to computer-based exams by 2027 to reduce cheating and improve quality. 现在的证书将包括候选人的照片、出生日期和国家身份证号码,以防止身份盗窃。 Certificates will now include a candidate's photo, date of birth, and national ID number to prevent identity theft. 过渡是提高教育标准和打击考试不良做法的更广泛努力的一部分,政府承诺提供大量资金。 The transition is part of broader efforts to enhance educational standards and combat exam malpractices, with substantial funding pledged by the government.