SpaceX定于星期天午夜EST从卡纳维拉尔角为阿斯特拉尼斯发射4颗卫星。 SpaceX set to launch four satellites for Astranis on Sunday at midnight EST from Cape Canaveral.
SpaceX计划周日午夜从卡纳维拉尔角发射四颗Astranis的“MicroGEO”卫星。 SpaceX plans to launch four "MicroGEO" satellites for Astranis on Sunday at midnight EST from Cape Canaveral. 这些卫星将为美国、菲律宾和其他地点的客户提供通信服务。 The satellites will provide communications services for customers in the US, the Philippines, and other locations. 猎鹰9号火箭以前曾多次飞行,包括Starlink和宇航员航班。 The Falcon 9 rocket has previously flown multiple missions, including Starlink and astronaut flights. 如果发射失败,星期日下午10时43分有备份窗口可用。 If the launch is unsuccessful, a backup window is available at 10:43 p.m. EST on Sunday.