SpaceX从卡纳维拉尔角发射了Falcon 9号卫星,为AST SpaceMobile的天基蜂窝网络部署了5颗卫星。 SpaceX launched Falcon 9 from Cape Canaveral, deploying 5 satellites for AST SpaceMobile's space-based cellular network.
星期四初,SpaceX从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角发射了一枚Falcon 9火箭,成功地为AST SpaceMobile发射了五颗通信卫星。 SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, early Thursday, successfully deploying five communication satellites for AST SpaceMobile. 该任务名为蓝鸟1-5,旨在建立世界上第一个空间蜂窝宽带网络,向边远地区提供移动服务。 The mission, named BlueBird 1-5, aims to establish the world's first space-based cellular broadband network, providing mobile service to remote areas. 尽管有70%的天气干扰可能性,但发射仍按计划进行,观众可以实况转播。 Despite a 70% chance of weather interference, the launch proceeded as scheduled, with live coverage available for viewers.