北奥马哈枪击事件造成一人重伤,警方悬赏 10,000 美元提供线索。 Shooting in North Omaha leaves one critically injured, police offer $10,000 reward for tips.
星期一上午1时左右,在北奥马哈发生枪击事件,造成一人重伤并住院治疗。 A shooting in North Omaha on Monday around 1 a.m. left one person critically injured and hospitalized. 这一事件发生在第28街和Ruggles街附近。 The incident occurred near 28th and Ruggles Streets. 奥马哈警察局正在寻求信息,并对导致逮捕的匿名举报给予10 000美元奖励。 The Omaha Police Department is seeking information and offers a $10,000 reward for anonymous tips that lead to an arrest. 另外,星期天晚上,奥马哈中南部发生车祸,另一人病情危急住院。 Separately, a car crash in south central Omaha on Sunday night left another individual hospitalized in critical condition.