诺福克公司提出了短期租金新规则,包括业主认证和处理违规行为小组。 Norfolk proposes new rules for short-term rentals, including owner certifications and a team to handle violations.
诺福克利益攸关方已建议修改该市的短期租赁政策,包括业主认证制度和违反守则行为快速反应小组。 Norfolk stakeholders have recommended changes to the city's short-term rental policies, including a certification system for owners and a rapid response team for code violations. 短期租房经营者需要更快、更便宜的审批程序。 Short-term rental operators want a faster, cheaper approval process. 该小组还调查了将城市从这些租借所得收入引导到海洋景区的问题。 The group also looked into directing city revenues from these rentals to the Ocean View area. 诺福克规划委员会和市议会将审查拟议的改动。 The proposed changes will be reviewed by the Norfolk Planning Commission and City Council.