一名摩托车手在纽约希腊与一辆小卡车碰撞后死亡;道路被关闭。 A motorcyclist died after colliding with a pickup truck in Greece, New York; roads were closed.
一名摩托车手在纽约希腊West Ridge路和Long Pond路十字路口与一辆小卡车相撞后死亡。 A motorcyclist died after a collision with a pickup truck at the intersection of West Ridge Road and Long Pond Road in Greece, New York. 飞机失事发生在星期六,这名摩托车手伤势严重,尽管得到医疗照顾,但未能存活下来。 The crash occurred on Saturday, and the motorcyclist, who suffered serious injuries, did not survive despite medical attention. West Ridge Road东行道和Long Pond Road的部分地区被暂时关闭。 The eastbound lane of West Ridge Road and parts of Long Pond Road were temporarily closed. 事故原因正在调查中。 The cause of the accident is under investigation.