莫纳什大学(Monash University)领导大声疾呼校园仇恨,并批评政府削减国际学生的计划。 Monash University leader calls out campus hate and criticizes government plan to cut international students.
莫纳什大学(Monash University)校长莎伦·皮克林(Sharon Pickering)强调了解决校园仇恨问题的重要性,而不仅仅是管理冲突。 Monash University's Vice-Chancellor Sharon Pickering stresses the importance of addressing hate on campus, beyond just managing conflicts. 她专注于了解歧视犹太和穆斯林学生的根源和影响。 She focuses on understanding the roots and impacts of discrimination against Jewish and Muslim students. 皮克林还批评了澳大利亚政府限制国际学生人数的计划,称其为有害的立法。 Pickering also criticizes the Australian government's plan to limit international student numbers, calling it harmful legislation. 她警告不要将大学政治化,她认为这是澳大利亚政治中一个日益严重的问题。 She warns against the politicization of universities, which she sees as a growing issue in Australian politics.