一名男子在哥伦比亚北部被枪杀并住院治疗;警察作出了回应,但没有逮捕任何人。 A man was shot and hospitalized in northern Columbia; police responded but made no arrests.
星期五晚上9点左右, 在Blue Ridge路的1200个街区, 一名男子在哥伦比亚北部发生枪击事件后严重受伤并住院治疗。 A man was seriously injured and hospitalized after a shooting incident in northern Columbia on Friday night around 9 pm in the 1200 block of Blue Ridge Road. 警察对关于枪声的报告作出了反应,但没有逮捕任何人。 Police responded to reports of gunshots but have not made any arrests. 下午11时10分左右,公路重新开放,当局说公共安全没有持续受到威胁。 The road was reopened by around 11:10 pm, and authorities say there is no ongoing threat to public safety.