Kota发现学生自杀率下降了50%,从26人降至17人,原因是采取了新的安全措施,学生人数减少。 Kota sees student suicides drop by 50%, from 26 to 17, due to new safety measures and fewer students.
Kota是Rajasthan的IIT-JEE入学考试辅导中心, 今年学生自杀率下降50%, 从26例降至17例。 Kota, a coaching hub in Rajasthan for IIT-JEE entrance tests, reports a 50% decline in student suicides this year, from 26 to 17 cases. 之所以取得这一改进,是因为对辅导机构制定了更严格的指导方针,对宿舍工作人员进行了守门员培训,并实施了SOS帮助服务。 This improvement is attributed to stricter guidelines for coaching institutes, gatekeeper training for hostel staff, and the implementation of SOS Help services. 该市学生人数也有所减少,导致辅导中心的收入减少。 The city has also seen a drop in student numbers, leading to reduced revenues for coaching centers.