意大利批准2025年300亿欧元的预算,重点是减免低收入公民的税收和福利。 Italy approves a €30 billion 2025 budget focusing on tax cuts and benefits for lower-income citizens.
意大利议会批准了2025年300亿欧元的预算,侧重于低收入公民的减税和社会保障福利。 Italy's parliament approved a 2025 budget of €30 billion, focusing on tax cuts and social security benefits for low-income citizens. 这项预算由参议院以108票对63票通过,包括给新父母的1 000欧元奖金,并要求银行向保健系统捐助35亿欧元。 The budget, passed in the Senate with 108 votes to 63, includes a €1,000 bonus for new parents and asks banks to contribute €3.5 billion to the health system. 政府的目标是到2026年将赤字减少到欧盟国内生产总值3%的上限以下。 The government aims to reduce the deficit to below the EU's 3% of GDP ceiling by 2026. 尽管受到反对派的批评,但预算旨在支持中低收入者和家庭。 Despite opposition criticism, the budget seeks to support low and medium-income earners and families.