2024年,印度部队在J & K杀害75名恐怖分子,其中60%是巴基斯坦国民。 In 2024, Indian forces killed 75 terrorists in J&K, 60% of whom were Pakistani nationals.
2024年,在查谟和克什米尔遇害的恐怖分子中有60%被确定为巴基斯坦国民,据军方官员称。 In 2024, 60% of the terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir were identified as Pakistani nationals, according to army officials. 安全部队在整个州消灭了大约75名恐怖分子,只有4名当地新兵加入恐怖集团。 Security forces eliminated around 75 terrorists across the state, with only four local recruits joining terror groups. 尽管巴基斯坦继续支持恐怖主义基础设施,但印度部队增加部署已大大减少了恐怖主义活动,特别是在查谟地区。 Despite Pakistan's continued support for terrorist infrastructure, increased troop deployment by Indian forces has significantly curtailed terrorist activities, especially in the Jammu region.