肯塔基州远足者发现了人类遗骸;目前正在进行调查,以查明成年男子的身份。 Human remains found by hikers in Kentucky; investigation underway to identify the adult male.
星期五下午,在肯塔基州杰西明县印度瀑布区,远足者发现一名成年男子的遗骸。 Human remains of an adult male were found by hikers in Jessamine County, Kentucky, on Friday afternoon in the Indian Falls area. Jessamine县警察局和Nicholasville警察局对Brumfield大街的现场作出反应,正在与州医检办公室合作查明遗骸的身份。 The Jessamine County Sheriff's Office and Nicholasville Police responded to the scene on Brumfield Lane and are working with the state medical examiner's office to identify the remains. 与最近在威斯康星州发生的一起银行抢劫案没有任何已知的联系。 There is no known connection to a recent bank robbery in Wisconsin.