北湾附近11号公路正面碰撞造成1人死亡,高速公路关闭4.5小时。 Head-on collision on Highway 11 near North Bay kills one, highway closed for 4.5 hours.
周六上午11时45分左右,安大略北湾以北40公里处的11号公路发生了正面碰撞,造成一人死亡。 A head-on collision occurred on Highway 11, 40 km north of North Bay, Ontario, on Saturday morning around 11:45 AM, resulting in one fatality. 北Bay OPP对现场作出反应,公路被关闭4.5小时。 The NorthBay OPP responded to the scene and the highway was closed for 4.5 hours. 该调查在时间小组的协助下,继续确定碰撞的原因。 The investigation, aided by the TIME team, continues to determine the cause of the collision.