Haryana修正了政府岗位的CET政策, 取消了5%的奖金, 并增加了候选人名额。 Haryana amends CET policy for government jobs, removing a 5% bonus and increasing candidate slots.
由首席部长Nayab Singh Saini领导的Haryana内阁修订了C组和D组政府职位的共同资格测验政策。 The Haryana Cabinet, led by Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, has amended the Common Eligibility Test (CET) policy for Group-C and D government jobs. 根据法院命令,这些变化取消了对社会经济因素5%的奖励。 The changes remove a 5% bonus for socio-economic factors, following a court order. 该政策现在允许参加技能测验的候选人人数比员额数高出最多10倍,比以前增加了4倍。 The policy now allows up to ten times the number of candidates for skill tests compared to the number of posts, up from four times previously. 这些修正案适用于州政府职位的直接招聘,但排除了要求教育低于大学入学水平的教学职位和角色。 The amendments apply to direct recruitments in state government roles but exclude teaching positions and roles requiring education below matriculation level.