爱丁堡的普罗沃斯特勋爵花了一千多英镑 送给泰勒·斯威夫特的礼物 她不接受 引起当地批评 Edinburgh's Lord Provost spent over £1,000 on a gift for Taylor Swift, which she didn't accept, sparking local criticism.
Edinburgh的普罗沃斯特勋爵Robert Aldridge在给泰勒·斯威夫特的礼物上花了1 000多英镑,包括定制的塔坦吉他带,希望她在音乐会期间使用。 Edinburgh's Lord Provost, Robert Aldridge, spent over £1,000 on a gift for Taylor Swift, including custom tartan guitar straps, hoping she would use them during her concert. Swift拒绝了礼物,把礼物留在会场大门。 Swift declined the gift, leaving it at the venue gates. 该理事会计划拍卖未用带子用于慈善事业, 但支出引发批评, 当地居民认为这笔钱本可以更好地用于诸如住房和护理等紧迫的社区问题。 The council plans to auction the unused strap for charity, but the expenditure has sparked criticism, with local residents arguing the funds could have been better used for pressing community issues like housing and care. 尽管发生了这一事件,Swift还是向爱丁堡食品项目提供了一笔未披露的捐赠。 Despite the incident, Swift made an undisclosed donation to the Edinburgh Food Project.