Cafoangel复兴了一家具有历史意义的都柏林商店,维护了1904年的标志,赢得了公民的赞誉。 Coffeeangel revives a historic Dublin store, preserving its 1904 sign and earning civic praise.
位于下山街的1904年都柏林靴子和拉皮条店由时髦咖啡店Coffaangel重新开业。 A 1904 Dublin boots and drapery store on Lower Mount Street has been revived by Coffeeangel, a trendy coffee shop. 该企业修复了大楼,维护了原来手工雕刻的红木标志,赢得都柏林公民信托基金对投资于遗产资产的赞扬。 The business restored the building, preserving the original hand-engraved mahogany sign, earning praise from the Dublin Civic Trust for investing in a heritage asset. Coffeeangel 创始人 Karl Purdy 以修复历史空间而闻名,他指出,尽管成本超出了预期,但修复是值得的。 Coffeeangel founder Karl Purdy, known for restoring historic spaces, noted that though the costs exceeded expectations, the restoration was worth it. 当地民众欢迎大楼的恢复 Locals have welcomed the building's revitalization.