中国展示了CR450子弹列车,这是世界上最快的列车,以400公里/小时的速度运行。 China unveils CR450 bullet train, the world's fastest, operating at up to 400 km/h.
中国公布了其CR450子弹列车原型,可正常运行400公里/小时,测试450公里/小时,成为世界最快的高速列车。 China unveiled a prototype of its CR450 bullet train, capable of 400 km/h in regular operation and 450 km/h in tests, making it the world's fastest high-speed train. 该列车的阻力低22%,比其前身CR400小10%。 The train offers 22% lower resistance and is 10% lighter than its predecessor, the CR400. 这一进展加强了中国在高速铁路技术方面的领先地位,并增强了其广泛的46 000公里高速铁路网。 This advancement bolsters China's leadership in high-speed rail technology and enhances its extensive 46,000-kilometer high-speed rail network.