Alfie是一名11岁的自闭症患者,由于Hertfordshire理事会未能提供适当支助,因此在教育上受到忽视。 Alfie, an 11-year-old with autism, faces educational neglect as Hertfordshire Council fails to provide proper support.
Alfie是一名11岁的自闭症患者,在Hertfordshire县议会努力为他提供合适的学校安置时,他面临着教育挑战。 Alfie, an 11-year-old with autism, faces educational challenges as Hertfordshire County Council struggles to provide him with a suitable school placement. 他的母亲娜塔莎自5岁时诊断以来就为争取他的权利而奋斗,但议会的拖延和沟通不畅使Alfie得不到足够的支持,导致社会孤立和心理健康危机。 His mother, Natasha, has fought for his rights since his diagnosis at age five, but the council's delays and poor communication have left Alfie without adequate support, leading to social isolation and a mental health crisis. Hertfordshire警察正在调查在处理他的案件时可能存在的不当行为。 Hertfordshire Police are investigating potential misconduct in handling his case.