40岁的自闭症男子的母亲向新西兰最高法院提出上诉,要求根据《智力残疾法》公平拘留。 40-year-old autistic man's mother appeals to NZ Supreme Court for fairness of detention under Intellectual Disability Act.
根据《智力残疾强制护理和康复法》被拘留18年的40岁自闭症男子的母亲正在向新西兰最高法院上诉,以质疑对其拘留的公正性。 The mother of a 40-year-old autistic man, detained for 18 years under the Intellectual Disability Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation Act, is appealing to New Zealand's Supreme Court to challenge the fairness of his detention. Jay被诊断患有自闭症和智力残疾,于2004年因用斧头打破窗户而被拘留,被认为太危险,无法释放。 Jay, diagnosed with autism and intellectual disabilities, was detained in 2004 for breaking windows with an axe and has been deemed too dangerous to release. 他的母亲辩称,他因自闭症而受到不公正的惩罚,应当安排他从事一种能理解他需要的服务。 His mother argues that he is being unfairly punished due to his autism and should be placed in a service that understands his needs. 这项呼吁将涉及人权委员会和国际赫尔辛基委员会,涉及更广泛的人权和残疾问题。 The appeal will involve the Human Rights Commission and the IHC, addressing the wider human rights and disability issues.