美国教堂的关闭激增, 水牛教区计划关闭70个教堂。 US church closures surge, with the Diocese of Buffalo planning to shut down 70 churches.
美国教堂出勤率正在下降,导致许多教区关闭。 Church attendance in the U.S. is declining, leading to closures of many parishes. Buffalo教区自2000年代初期关闭了一半的教区之后,作为更新计划的一部分,预计该教区将关闭70个教堂。 The Diocese of Buffalo expects to shut down 70 churches as part of a renewal plan, following the closure of half of its parishes since the early 2000s. 2019年,每年约有1,000座教堂被关闭。 In 2019, about 1,000 churches were closing annually. 一些教堂正在转变为住宅或商业地产,而另一些教堂则在创新,例如亚特兰大的第一个联合卫理公会教堂,该教堂计划开发负担得起的住房,以保持开放。 Some churches are being converted into residential or commercial properties, while others are innovating, such as Atlanta's First United Methodist Church, which plans to develop affordable housing to stay open.