明尼苏达州摩尔黑德的 Churches United 裁员 20%,在没有 $200k/月的情况下面临可能关闭,寻求社区支持。 Churches United in Moorhead, MN lays off 20% of staff, faces potential closure without $200k/month, seeks community support.
明尼苏达州莫黑德的一个非营利组织教会联合会因金融斗争而解雇了20%的工作人员,引起对11月底可能关闭的担忧。 Churches United, a nonprofit in Moorhead, Minnesota, has laid off 20% of its staff due to financial struggles, raising concerns about potential closure by the end of November. 临时首席执行官Devlyn Brooks说,该组织每月需要20万美元才能继续运作。 Interim CEO Devlyn Brooks stated the organization needs $200,000 monthly to continue operations. 尽管迅速筹集了30多万美元,但持续的支助对其食品和住房服务至关重要。 Despite raising over $300,000 quickly, ongoing support is essential for its food and shelter services. 本组织呼吁社区捐助和志愿者,以确保其未来。 The organization is appealing for community donations and volunteers to secure its future.