两艘皮艇使用紧急信标在爱尔兰比埃拉半岛外发出遇险信号,并安全收回。 Two kayakers used emergency beacons to signal distress off Beara Peninsula, Ireland, and were safely retrieved.
两名皮划艇运动员在 Beara 半岛的 Cod's Head 附近遇到困难,并使用他们的 VHF 无线电和 PLB 寻求帮助。 Two kayakers faced difficulties off Cod's Head, Beara Peninsula, and used their VHF radio and PLB to call for help. Castletownbere RNLI号救生艇“Annette Hutton”被发射,尽管能见度不高,但皮艇设法抵达岸边,一艘皮艇受损。 The Castletownbere RNLI lifeboat "Annette Hutton" was launched, and despite poor visibility, the kayakers managed to reach shore, with one kayak damaged. 都由Castellowbere海岸警卫队发现安全 Both were found safe by the Castletownbere Coast Guard. 这艘救生艇和直升机不久后就停靠,救生艇返回,准备继续服役。 The lifeboat and helicopter were stood down shortly after, with the lifeboat returning and being prepared for further service.