Clarksville失窃的Trailer 从非盈利的Bella的隐居室偷来的 警方正在寻找资料 Trailer stolen from Clarksville nonprofit Bella's Closet; police seek information.
克拉克斯维尔的非营利组织Bella's Closet的拖车被盗, A trailer from Bella's Closet, a Clarksville nonprofit that provides work clothes to women in need, was stolen on December 22. 监控录像显示它被一辆黑色雪佛兰郊区的 黑雪佛兰拖走 Surveillance footage shows it being towed by a black Chevy Suburban. 克拉克斯维尔警察局正在寻找这辆拖车,并已要求任何有信息的人与希思警探联系,或者通过克拉克斯维尔-蒙特戈梅里县犯罪阻截者网站或931-645-8477的Tipline匿名提交消息。 The Clarksville Police Department is searching for the trailer and has requested anyone with information to contact Detective Heath or submit tips anonymously through the Clarksville-Montgomery County Crime Stoppers website or Tipline at 931-645-8477.