当局调查了一辆失窃的拖车 一辆拖车在SC市Summerville的Bacons桥路附近着火 Authorities investigate a stolen trailer that caught fire near Bacons Bridge Road in Summerville, SC.
当局正在调查 在Bacons桥路附近的 Dorchester县的Summerville 发生的一起偷来的拖车事件 Authorities are investigating a stolen trailer incident in Summerville, Dorchester County, near Bacons Bridge Road. 调查是在星期天晚上开始的,当时接到关于一辆被盗拖车的报告,目击者看到一辆半卡车在着火前拖走它。 The investigation started on Sunday evening after a report of a stolen trailer, with witnesses seeing a semi-truck towing it before it caught fire. 这一事件涉及大量执法人员,虽然没有报告有人受伤,但情况仍在发展。 The incident involved a large law enforcement presence, and though there were no reported injuries, the situation is still developing.