Sanford Seacoast地区机场成为缅因州最繁忙的机场,每年约有40 000次航班。 Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport becomes Maine's busiest, seeing about 40,000 flights yearly.
缅因州Sanford Seacoast地区机场是州内最繁忙的机场,每年约有40,000次起飞和着陆,超过波特兰和邦戈等著名的机场。 Sanford Seacoast Regional Airport in Maine is the state's busiest, with about 40,000 takeoffs and landings annually, surpassing larger-known airports like Portland and Bangor. 其高交通量是由于飞行学校、私人飞机、包机公司和紧急直升机服务的混合。 Its high traffic is due to a mix of flight schools, private planes, charter companies, and an emergency helicopter service. 缅因州约有217个飞行地点, Maine has around 217 locations for flights, highlighting the state's diverse aviation landscape.