皇家骑警搜寻失踪的囚犯Martin Oochoo,最后一次见是在怀特斯普鲁斯省培训中心。 RCMP searching for missing inmate Martin Oochoo, last seen at Whitespruce Provincial Training Centre.
Yorkton皇家骑警正在寻找失踪的囚犯Martin Oochoo, 36岁, 12月25日在Whitespruce省培训中心最后一次见到他。 The Yorkton RCMP is searching for missing inmate Martin Oochoo, 36, who was last seen at the Whitespruce Provincial Training Centre on December 25. Oochoo被描述为5尺9寸和165磅,棕色眼睛,脖子上有玫瑰纹身,手臂上有十字架,现在被视为非法在逃。 Oochoo, described as 5'9" and 165 lbs with brown eyes and tattoos of a rose on his neck and a cross on his arm, is now considered unlawfully at large. 已经对他发出逮捕令。 A warrant has been issued for his arrest. 敦促任何有信息的人与加拿大皇家骑警或萨斯喀彻温犯罪制止者联系。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the RCMP or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers.