囚犯Glen Halkett在除夕从萨斯喀彻温监狱逃跑; Inmate Glen Halkett escaped from Saskatchewan Penitentiary on New Year's Eve; RCMP searching.
囚犯Glen Fredrick Richard Halkett 在除夕从萨斯喀彻温监狱逃脱 An inmate, Glen Fredrick Richard Halkett, escaped from Saskatchewan Penitentiary on New Year's Eve. Halkett,29岁,有盗窃和暴力犯罪史,身高5尺8寸,体重168磅,身上有纹身。 Halkett, a 29-year-old with a criminal history of theft and violence, is 5'8" tall, weighs 168 lbs, and has a fair complexion with tattoos. 加拿大皇家骑警签发了逮捕令,正在与加拿大教养局合作查找他的下落。 The RCMP have issued a warrant and are working with the Correctional Service of Canada to locate him. 敦促公众向警方报告任何目击情况。 The public is urged to report any sightings to the police.