警方寻找失踪的Brinney Hoffman-Kelly, 据信是被她丈夫杀死的。 她丈夫在12月20日被发现死亡。 Police search for missing Britney Hoffman-Kelly, believed killed by her husband found dead on Dec. 20.
圣查尔斯警察正在寻找32岁的Britney D. Hoffman-Kelly的遗骸,据信她的丈夫Chadwick H. Kelly谋杀了此人。 St. Charles Police are searching for the remains of 32-year-old Britney D. Hoffman-Kelly, who is believed to have been murdered by her husband, Chadwick H. Kelly. 查德威克于12月18日独自检查出圣查尔斯酒店, 12月20日被发现在密苏里与警方武装对峙中死亡。 Chadwick checked out of a St. Charles hotel alone on December 18, and was found dead in an armed standoff with police in Missouri on December 20. 酒店和他的车提供的证据 表明发生了一起凶杀案 Evidence from the hotel and his car suggest a homicide. 当局正在寻找有关他2020年的Audi的资料,并要求公众协助追踪他的动向。 Authorities are seeking information on his 2020 Audi, and are asking the public to help trace his movements.