新西兰警方寻求帮助,查明在Breaker湾发现的一名死者的身份;死因不明。 Police in New Zealand seek help identifying a deceased man found at Breaker Bay; cause of death unknown.
在新西兰惠灵顿的警察 寻求帮助 确定在Breaker湾发现的一个死者 Police in Wellington, New Zealand, seek help identifying a deceased man found at Breaker Bay. 60多岁的男子被描述为白种人,平均身高,短短灰白头发,干净剃发,穿着特殊服装。 The man, in his 60s, is described as Caucasian, average height, with short grey-white hair, clean-shaven, and wearing specific clothing. 死亡是无法解释的,警方正在调查,以查明他的身份和死亡的情况。 The death is unexplained, and police are investigating to find his identity and the circumstances of his death.