渔民在新西兰Kaikóura水域发现并报告了一具男子尸体,当局成功地找到了尸体。 Fishermen found and reported a man's body in Kaikōura waters, New Zealand, and authorities successfully recovered it.
渔民在新西兰Kaikóura附近的水中发现并挖出一具男子尸体,他们向海岸警卫队和警察报告了这一事件。 A man's body was found and retrieved from the water near Kaikōura, New Zealand, by fishermen who reported the incident to Coastguard and Police. 双方当局都作出了反应,成功地找回了尸体。 Both authorities responded and successfully recovered the body. 当局感谢渔民及时发出警报。 Authorities expressed gratitude to the fishermen for their timely alert.