恐怖分子使用的尼日利亚军事主张无人驾驶飞机不是军用级别,只构成轻微威胁。 Nigerian military claims drones used by terrorists are not military-grade and pose only minor threats.
国防发言人Edward Buba少将说,尼日利亚恐怖集团使用的无人机不是军用级的,不构成重大威胁。 Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, a Defence spokesman, stated that drones used by terrorist groups in Nigeria are not military-grade and do not pose a significant threat. 他向公众保证,军方正在有效地处理这些“骚扰”攻击,认为这些攻击是轻微威胁而不是严重的战斗工具。 He assured the public that the military is handling these "harassment" attacks effectively, dismissing them as minor threats rather than serious combat tools. Buba还否认了关于在尼日利亚的法国基地的传闻,称这些说法令人误解。 Buba also denied rumors of a French base in Nigeria, calling the claims misleading.