尼日利亚空军首长敦促部队在圣诞节期间坚决打击恐怖主义。 Nigerian Air Force chief urges troops to stay resolute against terrorism during Christmas event.
尼日利亚空军总司令哈桑·巴拉·阿布巴克尔在迈杜古里举行的圣诞午餐中敦促部队坚定打击恐怖主义. Nigerian Air Force Chief Air Marshal Hassan Bala Abubakar urged troops to stay resolute in the fight against terrorism during a Christmas luncheon in Maiduguri. 阿布巴卡尔强调空军在捍卫尼日利亚领空和支持地面部队方面的作用,指出其努力削弱了叛乱分子的力量并挽救了生命。 Abubakar highlighted the Air Force's role in defending Nigerian airspace and supporting ground forces, noting their efforts have weakened insurgents and saved lives. 空军在西北地区执行了超过1 040次任务,捣乱匪帮和营救人质。 The Air Force has conducted over 1,040 missions in the Northwest, disrupting bandit groups and rescuing hostages.