男子抢劫了堪萨斯州章克申市的向日葵银行,带着现金逃跑,没有受伤报告。 Man robbed Sunflower Bank in Junction City, Kansas, fleeing with cash and no injuries reported.
周五下午四点半左右 在堪萨斯交汇市的日葵银行 发生了一起银行抢劫案 A bank robbery occurred at Sunflower Bank in Junction City, Kansas, on Friday around 4:30 PM. 一个男子被描述为身着灰色衬衫、蓝色牛仔裤、牛仔靴、黑面具、粉色背包的6英尺长的白人男子,他带着火器进入银行,要求现金。 A man, described as a 6-foot-tall white male wearing a gray shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots, a black mask, and a pink backpack, entered the bank with a firearm and demanded cash. 他带着一笔数额不明的款项逃跑。 He fled with an unspecified amount of money. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 执法部门正在调查,并要求公众向当局提供任何信息。 Law enforcement is investigating, and the public is asked to provide any information to the authorities.