男子被控在新西兰用汽车打骑自行车者后企图谋杀。 Man charged with attempted murder after hitting cyclist with car in New Zealand.
一名33岁的男子在新西兰帕拉帕鲁穆用车撞了一名骑自行车的人,被控企图谋杀。 A 33-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder after hitting a cyclist with his car in Paraparaumu, New Zealand. 事件发生在星期六凌晨1时40分左右,骑自行车者腿骨折和其他受伤。 The incident occurred around 1:40 a.m. on Saturday, and the cyclist suffered a broken leg and other injuries. 司机在附近被捕,准备出庭,也因事故后未停车而面临指控。 The driver was arrested nearby and is set to appear in court, also facing charges for failing to stop after the accident.