印度内政大臣赞扬ITBP的边境安全,强调他们在新的发展项目中的作用。 India's Home Minister praises ITBP for border security, highlighting their role in new development projects.
联合内政部长阿米特·沙阿赞扬印度-蒂贝丹边境警察(ITBP)在困难地形中保护印度边境地区的努力。 Union Home Minister Amit Shah has praised the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) for their efforts in safeguarding India's border areas in difficult terrains. Shah强调「充满活力的村落计划」, 目的是改善这些地区的发展, Shah highlighted the "Vibrant Village Program," which aims to improve development in these regions, a concept introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. ITBP可能会成为这些发展项目的主要机构。 The ITBP may become the main agency for these developmental projects. BJP MP Anil Baluni与ITBP共度时间, 称他们为“Himveers”, 并对他们的服务表示自豪。 BJP MP Anil Baluni spent time with the ITBP, calling them "Himveers" and expressing pride in their service.