法国艺术顾问在中国万济(Wanzai)的烟花展成为病毒, 标志着中国-法国外交60周年。 A French art advisor's fireworks display in Wanzai, China, becomes viral, marking 60 years of China-France diplomacy.
纪录片"我的中国故事:万兄弟的新生活"讲述法国艺术顾问索菲在中国万设计了一场烟花秀, The documentary "My China Story: New Life of 'Wanzai Brothers'" follows Sophie, a French art advisor, as she designs a fireworks show in Wanzai, China, transforming it into an online sensation. 影片捕捉了Alxa Hero节的Wanzai烟火, 并凸显了国际协作, 展示了中国与外国文化影响的混合。 The film captures Wanzai's fireworks at the Alxa Hero Festival and highlights international collaborations, showcasing the blend of Chinese and foreign cultural influences. 它标志着中法外交关系60周年,强调了江西在促进全球文化交流方面的作用。 It marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, emphasizing Jiangxi's role in promoting global cultural exchanges.