底特律狮子大接收器Jameson Williams 声称他可以在4.1秒内 跑40码的短跑 展示他的速度 Detroit Lions wide receiver Jameson Williams claims he can run a 40-yard dash in 4.1 seconds, showcasing his speed.
威廉姆斯说他能在4.1秒内跑出40码, Jameson Williams, a wide receiver for the Detroit Lions, claims he can run a 40-yard dash in 4.1 seconds, though he hasn't officially timed it yet. 威廉斯以他的速度而闻名,自加入团队以来,他提高了自己的技能,包括他的路线运行和阻断。 Known for his speed, Williams has improved his skills, including his route running and run blocking, since joining the team. 尽管由于以前膝盖受伤,他没有运行40码的跑道,但他对队友和教练们的进步印象深刻。 Despite not running the 40-yard dash due to a previous knee injury, he's impressed his teammates and coaches with his progress.