公羊队的凯伦·威廉姆斯 (Kyren Williams) 以 1,299 码冲球码数、16 次 TD 创下职业生涯新高,为季后赛保持健康。 Rams' Kyren Williams sets career highs with 1,299 rushing yards, 16 TDs, staying healthy for playoff push.
公羊队跑卫凯伦·威廉姆斯 (Kyren Williams) 在 2024 赛季表现出色,以 316 次运球、1,299 码和 16 次达阵创下职业生涯新高,同时在球队 86.7% 的比赛中没有受伤。 Rams running back Kyren Williams had a standout 2024 season, setting career highs with 316 carries, 1,299 yards, and 16 touchdowns, while playing 86.7% of the team's snaps without injury. 威廉姆斯在头两年因受伤而挣扎之后,将他的成功归功于对预防伤害的新关注,包括有更多时间与训练员一起治疗。 After struggling with injuries in his first two years, Williams attributes his success to a new focus on injury prevention, including more time with trainers for treatment. 他已准备好在休息一周后参加季后赛。 He is now ready for the playoffs after a rest week.