前印度总统的女儿批评国会在她父亲死后没有给予他荣誉。 Daughter of ex-Indian President criticizes Congress for not honoring her father after his death.
前总统普拉纳布·穆克赫吉的女儿Sharmista Mukherjee批评国会党在她父亲于2020年去世后没有为他举行正式的吊唁会。 Sharmistha Mukherjee, daughter of former President Pranab Mukherjee, criticized the Congress party for not holding a formal condolence meeting for her father after his death in 2020. 她表示失望的是,该党不承认她父亲的长期服务。 She expressed disappointment in the party's lack of recognition for her father's long service. Mukherjee还支持前总理曼莫汉·辛格的纪念碑,并指出,国会领导的政府没有为前总理P.V.建造纪念碑。 Mukherjee also supports a memorial for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and pointed out that the Congress-led government did not build a memorial for former PM P.V. Narasimha Rao尽管执政已有十年, Narasimha Rao despite being in power for ten years.