印度国会党领袖索尼娅·甘地(Sonia Gandhi)以政治嘉奖庆祝她78岁生日。 Sonia Gandhi, India's Congress party leader, celebrated her 78th birthday with political tributes.
印度国会党主席索尼娅·甘地(Sonia Gandhi)在12月9日庆祝她的78岁生日。 Sonia Gandhi, the longest-serving president of India's Congress party, celebrated her 78th birthday on December 9. 包括总理纳伦德拉·莫迪和国会议长马利卡尔琼·哈尔格在内的政治人物对她生日的纪念,承认她对印度政治的重大贡献以及关于社会正义和妇女赋权的里程碑式立法。 Her birthday was marked with tributes from political figures, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress President Malikarjun Kharge, acknowledging her significant contributions to Indian politics and landmark legislations on social justice and women's empowerment. 尽管由于健康原因退出活跃政治,但甘地仍然是邦议会议员和国会议会党主席. Despite stepping back from active politics due to health reasons, Gandhi remains a Rajya Sabha MP and chairperson of the Congress Parliamentary Party.