气候预报警告说,由于干旱和拉尼娜现象,美国南部的野火风险会增加。 Climate forecast warns of increased wildfire risks in southern U.S. due to drought and La Niña.
2025年气候预报警告说,由于持续的干旱状况,美国南部的野火风险增加,而拉尼娜气候模式的发展可能使情况恶化。 The 2025 climate forecast warns of increased wildfire risks in the southern U.S. due to ongoing drought conditions, potentially worsened by developing La Niña weather patterns. 这种情况可能导致更干燥、更温暖的冬季,特别是在西南部、东南部和南平原,那里38.9%的毗连美国已经处于干旱状态。 This situation could lead to drier and warmer winters, especially in the Southwest, Southeast, and southern Plains, where 38.9% of the contiguous U.S. is already in drought. 专家们还强调了诸如低于正常的土壤湿度和流量等长期挑战。 Experts also highlight longer-term challenges like below-normal soil moisture and streamflow.