加共体承诺援助遭受飓风袭击的地区,稳定海地局势,加强数字和粮食安全。 CARICOM commits to aiding hurricane-hit areas, stabilizing Haiti, and boosting digital and food security.
加勒比共同体(加共体)强调致力于果断的领导和集体行动,强调支持受飓风影响的地区和努力稳定海地。 The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has underscored its commitment to decisive leadership and collective action, highlighting support for hurricane-affected regions and efforts to stabilize Haiti. 加共体还推进了数字抗御能力、粮食安全和区域运输举措。 CARICOM also advanced digital resilience, food security, and regional transportation initiatives. 此外,该小组还参与高级别国际会议和伙伴关系,包括与印度、巴西、加拿大和日本,以应对气候变化和加强区域一体化。 Additionally, the group engaged in high-level international meetings and partnerships, including with India, Brazil, Canada, and Japan, to address climate change and enhance regional integration.