AngloGold Ashanti启动了加纳项目,通过职业和商业培训解决青年失业问题。 AngloGold Ashanti launches Ghana project to fight youth unemployment through vocational and business training.
AngloGold Ashanti在加纳启动了Sanso创业学徒项目(A2E),以应对青年失业问题。 AngloGold Ashanti launched the Sanso Apprenticeship to Entrepreneurship (A2E) Project in Ghana to combat youth unemployment. 该倡议为10名技师配备了工具,在8至12个月的时间里培训19名学徒。 The initiative equips 10 mastercraft persons with tools to train 19 apprentices over 8-12 months. 该方案将职业和创业培训结合起来,最终为学徒开办创业工具包,以开办自己的企业,促进长期的经济自给自足。 The program integrates vocational and entrepreneurship training, culminating in start-up kits for apprentices to launch their own businesses, fostering long-term economic self-sufficiency.