冬季天气咨询警告说,新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州部分地区的雨和滑坡道路会冻结。 Winter weather advisory warns of freezing rain and slippery roads in parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
碳郡已提高停车费, 新泽西北部及宾夕法尼亚东北部分地区也设有冬季天气咨询, 警告从星期五下午七点至周六上午九点, Carbon County has raised parking fees, and a winter weather advisory is in place for parts of northern New Jersey and northeast Pennsylvania, warning of freezing rain from 7 PM Friday to 9 AM Saturday. 道路和桥梁条件滑滑的忠告警告,敦促司机放慢速度,谨慎行事。 The advisory cautions of slippery conditions on roads and bridges, urging drivers to slow down and exercise caution. 威斯康辛州和内布拉斯加州等其他州也正在发布类似的咨询和安全提示,以防备危险的冬季条件。 Similar advisories and safety tips are being issued in other states like Wisconsin and Nebraska to prepare for hazardous winter conditions.