2025年1月10日生效的Utah Rep. Kera Birkeland因家庭义务辞职。 Utah Rep. Kera Birkeland resigns due to family obligations, effective Jan. 10, 2025.
犹他州Kera Birkeland Republic. Kera Birkeland正在辞去2025年1月10日生效的立法机构的职务,原因是家庭责任增加,包括照顾生病的母亲。 Utah state Rep. Kera Birkeland is resigning from the legislature effective Jan. 10, 2025, due to increased family responsibilities, including caring for her ill mother. Birkeland是一个共和党人,自2020年以来代表多个县,以发起HB11等法案而著称,这些法案禁止变性运动员参加女子高中运动。 Birkeland, a Republican who has represented multiple counties since 2020, was known for sponsoring bills like HB11, which banned transgender athletes from participating in girls' high school sports. 她最近接受了一份新工作,担任蒙大拿谷物种植者协会政策主任。 She recently accepted a new job as the director of policy for the Montana Grain Growers Association. 州长将任命一个替补。 The governor will appoint a replacement.