两名男子因涉嫌在布赖顿强奸一名19岁少年而被逮捕。 Two men are arrested for suspected rape of a 19-year-old in Brighton.
两名男子(40岁和42岁)因涉嫌在布赖顿强奸一名19岁男子而被逮捕。 Two men, aged 40 and 42, have been arrested on suspicion of raping a 19-year-old man in Brighton. 事件发生在Harry Ramsden餐厅附近, 时间是12月21日凌晨三点半左右, 当时两名不明身份的男子接近受害者, The incident occurred near Harry Ramsden's restaurant around 3:30 AM on December 21, when the victim was approached by two unknown men before being assaulted in Steine Lane. 一名路过者在受害人寻求帮助后报警。 A passerby called the police after the victim sought help. Sean Booth探长要求任何有情报的人 与警方联系 Detective Inspector Sean Booth urged anyone with information to contact the police.