土耳其计划在2035年前建造三座核电厂,从2025年的Akkuyu开始。 Turkey plans to build three nuclear power plants by 2035, starting with Akkuyu in 2025.
土耳其计划到2035年建造三座核电厂,第一个核电厂Akkuyu定于2025年开始发电。 Turkey plans to build three nuclear power plants by 2035, with the first, Akkuyu, set to start generating electricity in 2025. 一旦全面投入使用,Akkuyu将供应土耳其10%的电力,每年将天然气进口减少77亿至75亿立方米,使国家节省约30亿美元。 Once fully operational, Akkuyu will supply 10% of Turkey's electricity and reduce natural gas imports by 7-7.5 billion cubic meters annually, saving the country about $3 billion. 计划在锡诺普和色雷斯增建两座工厂,将核能发电能力提高到7 200兆瓦。 Two additional plants are planned, in Sinop and Thrace, to increase nuclear energy capacity to 7,200 megawatts.