一些美国学院正在测试“直接入学”,在学生申请前为他们提供插座。 Some U.S. colleges are testing "direct admissions," offering spots to students before they apply.
为了简化经常紧张的大学申请程序, 一些美国学院正在尝试“直接录取”。 In an effort to simplify the often stressful college application process, some U.S. colleges are experimenting with "direct admissions." 这种做法使教育机构能够根据学生的学习成绩和潜力,在申请之前向学生提供入学机会。 This approach allows institutions to offer admission to students before they apply, based on their academic performance and potential. 目标是减轻学生在传统入学程序上的负担和压力。 The goal is to ease the burden and stress on students navigating the traditional admissions process.