位于北卡罗来纳州艾登的天光酒店烧烤店被评为全州最佳的烧烤店, 著名的全猪烧烤和4.7星级评分. Skylight Inn BBQ in Ayden, NC, named best in state; known for whole-hog barbecue and a 4.7-star rating.
北卡罗来纳州艾登的天光旅店BBQ, 被《爱食》命名为全州最好的烧烤餐厅。 Skylight Inn BBQ in Ayden, North Carolina, is named the state's best barbecue restaurant by LoveFood. 该餐厅以全猪烧烤闻名, 评分为4. 7星级, 谷歌评分近2000次。 Known for its whole-hog barbecue, the restaurant has a 4.7-star rating and nearly 2,000 reviews on Google. 它还赢得了詹姆斯·贝尔德美国经典奖。 It has also won the James Beard America's Classics Award. Skylight Inn 供应酥皮和醋酱切碎的猪肉等菜肴,以及凉拌卷心菜、土豆沙拉和玉米面包等配菜。 Skylight Inn serves dishes like chopped hog with crispy skin and vinegar sauce, along with sides such as coleslaw, potato salad, and cornbread.