由于可靠性问题,Qualcomm选择由三星上空的TSMC制造新的Sapdragon芯片。 Qualcomm opts for TSMC over Samsung to manufacture its new Snapdragon chipset due to reliability issues.
由于对三星生产过程的可靠性问题,Qualcomm选择了三星的TSMC来制造即将到来的Sapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2芯片。 Qualcomm has chosen TSMC over Samsung to manufacture its upcoming Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 chipset due to reliability concerns with Samsung's production process. Samsung一直努力争取收益率,但正在寻找未来的合同,可能包括2026年的Sapdragon 8 Elite Gen 3。 Samsung has struggled with yield rates but is looking to secure future contracts, including possibly the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 3 in 2026. 这种转向TSMC的做法可能会影响智能手机制造商的定价和利润率。 This switch to TSMC could affect the pricing and profit margins for smartphone manufacturers.